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Phone +358 44 974 0601
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Need a Safety Data Sheet (SDS/MSDS) for your product?
We specialize in custom SDS creation to ensure full compliance with GHS, CLP, REACH, OSHA, WHMIS, and other country-specific regulations.
Since 2012, we’ve authored over 10,000 SDSs for businesses across 60+ countries, helping them stay compliant, avoid fines, and maintain workplace safety.
We create SDSs for the following industries:
Contact us now for a SDS creation quotation!
Rebecca Karjalainen
Customer inquiries
+358 44 974 0601
Finnish | English | French
More than 10,000 safety data sheets created
For 60 countries
For over 350 customers
We provide fully customized SDSs based on your product’s exact composition, intended use, and target market regulations.
Launching a new product? We’ll create a fully compliant SDS from scratch, tailored to your specific formulation.
We ensure your SDS meets all GHS, CLP, REACH, OSHA, WHMIS, and country-specific requirements.
Need SDSs for international markets? We provide accurate translations in 40+ languages for 60+ countries.
Our experts classify your product based on GHS hazard classes and format the SDS to meet regulatory standards.
All our safety data sheets are written in compliance with local regulations (GHS and CLP) and international harmonized regulations on the transport of dangerous goods.
By distributing compliant SDSs, companies can maintain confidence in terms of legal manufacturing, importing, and trading activities while contributing significantly to global efforts in protecting human health and the environment.
Due to the importance of SDSs (formerly material data sheet or MSDS) to the protection of human health and the environment, it is critical and, in some countries, legally required that the document is prepared by a person who has relevant and sufficient competency to create a compliant SDS (formerly MSDS).
Understanding this basic condition, we have formed a team of experts who have extensive know-how in chemistry and chemical laws and are highly experienced in safety data sheet authoring. We also have regular refresher training to keep up with revisions in global chemical regulations.
We work with up-to-date SDS creation software – Chemeter – which integrates requirements and criteria set in local regulations of 60 countries around the world.
This allows us to create compliant SDSs in the required language(s) of the target market in a short lead time.
At each step, our experts keep assessing the details and monitor the wholeness of the content to ensure the quality of the safety data sheet (formerly material data sheet or MSDS). Writing a safety data sheet in a clear, comprehensive, and precise manner with fast delivery time is our internal criteria.
During the process, we maintain responsive communication with customers to ensure that all project needs and legal requirements are satisfied.
We also pay attention to the visual aspect of the SDS by applying your logo and color theme to the document for a sleek and customized look.
In addition, upon request, we will evaluate the existing data and relevant regulations to consult possible options for reformulation to minimize the hazard classification of the product, or for substitution of hazardous ingredients to safer ones.
For products that require Extended Safety Data Sheets (eSDS) under regulatory guidelines, we provide expertly compiled eSDSs with detailed exposure scenarios to ensure full compliance.
At Chementors, we put our best efforts into generating qualified safety data sheets that are legally compliant, scientifically meaningful, and visually sleek.
Argentina | Ecuador | Luxembourg | Serbia |
Australia | El Salvador | Malaysia | Singapore |
Austria | Estonia | Malta | Slovakia |
Bangladesh | Finland | Mexico | Slovenia |
Belgium | France | Morocco | Spain |
Brazil | Germany | New Zealand | South Africa |
Bulgaria | Greece | Nicaragua | South Korea |
Canada | Guatemala | Norway | Sweden |
Chile | Honduras | Pakistan | Switzerland |
China | Hungary | Panama | Thailand |
Colombia | India | Paraguay | The Netherlands |
Cyprus | Indonesia | Peru | The Ukraine |
Costa Rica | Ireland | Poland | Turkey |
Croatia | Italy | Portugal | United Kingdom |
Czech Republic | Japan | Puerto Rico | Uruguay |
Denmark | Latvia | Romania | USA |
Dominican Republic | Lithuania | Russia | Vietnam |
Your safety data sheet (SDS or MSDS) will be created by assessing the product formulation with the local regulations where the product is manufactured, distributed, or sold.
To proceed with the task, we need the following information:
We recommend to make the following information available:
Then we take care of the rest.
Phone +358 44 974 0601
Finnish | English | French
Phone +358 10 504 5860
Finnish | English
Phone +84 39 6169 628
English | Vietnamese
Phone | +358 9 2316 7090
Finnish | English
Phone +358 10 504 5861
Finnish | Swedish | English | German
Frequently asked questions
Jani Määttä and Jan Nylund founded Chementors in 2012 because of the increasing need for regulatory consulting in the chemical industry, based on their own previous experience in the field.
The Chementors team consists of experts who are top professionals in their field. We cooperate closely with the authorities, so we are up to date on changes in laws and regulations. Chementors also has an extensive network of companies in various market areas.
We will tailor the price for you case-by-case, for example, according to the order quantity. You can order work for one or more SDSs at a time.
Yes, you can outsource various chemical safety issues to Chementors. Contact us to learn more about outsourcing!
The company must have safety data sheets for substances and mixtures that it manufactures or imports to the EU. Preparing SDSs requires specific expertise, so the company can use a professional consultant, such as Chementors, to prepare them.
All companies that supply chemicals are responsible for the correct content of safety data sheets and their distribution, even if they did not prepare them themselves. Chementors offers various solutions for authoring, translating, and distributing safety data sheets according to up-to-date regulations.
SDSs must also be provided on request for the following chemicals:
The company supplying the chemical must submit a safety data sheet to its customer as soon as the chemical is delivered to them for the first time, and when the SDS has been updated for various reasons. The safety data sheet must always be provided to professional users, but to consumer customers only upon request.
The safety data sheet can be delivered, for example, as a pdf file via e-mail or in paper form. Providing safety data sheets through a website is not enough; it must be delivered provenly to the customer, for example, as a permanent link that leads directly to the SDS file.
Countries require SDSs to be provided in official languages. In Finland, for example, the safety data sheet must be provided in either Finnish, Swedish, or both languages according to the customer’s wishes.
According to the REACH regulation, an extended safety data sheet (eSDS) is required if the substance is placed on the market in quantities of 10 tons/year or more and is classified as dangerous. If the extended safety data sheets (eSDS) of the substances in the mixture are available, the relevant parts of the exposure scenario must also be attached to the safety data sheets of the mixtures.
Once the necessary information is made available to us, we are able to deliver the SDS within a couple of days. Chementors also has an express delivery service for urgent cases where the SDS shall be ready in the next working day.
Yes, we do. We provide translations of safety data sheets according to the legislation for over 60 languages. For more information about Chementors’ SDS translation service, please visit this link.
Chementors Ltd | Finland | Hong Kong | Vietnam |