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EU SCIP compliance Service

To legally place your products (articles) on the EU market, the information on Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) in your products must be submitted to the SCIP database.

The SCIP notification prepared by Chementors helps open the door to the EU market!

Rebecca Karjalainen

Customer inquiries
Phone +358 44 974 0601
Finnish | English | French

    Comply with SCIP database requirements with our expertise

    SCIP (Substances of Concern In articles, as such or in complex objects [Products]) is the database that contains information on substances of concern in articles as such or in complex objects (i.e., products), built under the Waste Framework Directive (WFD) (EC) No. 2008/98.

    Chementors has a good reputation and a long history of dealing with substances of concern in products.  We handle the SCIP reporting process from scratch including a deep assessment of which components (i.e., articles) of your product fall into the scope of SCIP. By trusting our expertise you get the most cost-efficient and best quality service. 

    Contact us now!

    The risks of SCIP non-compliance

    The national authorities oversee the compliance requirements related to SCIP notifications. Through monitoring the authorities may undertake various actions, including issuing guidance letters, imposing sales bans, initiating recalls, and imposing fines.

    Companies are responsible for ensuring their products comply with SCIP regulations. Consequently, they bear the financial burden associated with any enforcement actions taken. Additionally, such actions can result in reputational damage to the company.

    SCIP Notification Process

    1. Pre-study: 

    To find out all relevant data of your products to compile the SCIP-notification. The pre-study contains;

    • Assessing and identifying articles that fall into the scope of SCIP notification obligation. Checking the product information such as bill of materials (BOM), product composition and identifying possible data gaps.
    • Gathering all required information on the identification of the article(s) of interest.
    • Gathering all required information on the SVHC(s) contained in the articles.
    • Collecting other information to allow the safe use of the articles.

    2. Creating an ECHA account for the submission.

    3. Preparing the SCIP notification dossier.

    • Based on findings of the pre-study we prepare all required SCIP-notifications for your products.

    4. Submitting the notification dossier on the ECHA SCIP notification database = SCIP reporting.

    5. Generating the SCIP Declaration of Compliance certificate for the client.

    6. Following up and updating the dossier if requested by the authorities or by the client.

    Our team consists of experts who have in-depth knowledge of REACH and Waste Framework Directive, and experience in SVHC assessment and SCIP notification. We are here to assist you.

    SCIP is regulated by the Waste Framework Directive

    SCIP (Substances of Concern In articles, as such or in complex objects [Products]) is the database that contains information on substances of concern in articles as such or in complex objects (i.e., products). SCIP is built under the Waste Framework Directive (WFD) (EC) N. 2008/98.

    Under the WFD, from January 2021, companies supplying articles containing substances of very high concern (SVHCs) on the Candidate List in a concentration above 0.1% w/w on the EU market have a legal obligation to submit a SCIP notification to ECHA.

    The SCIP notification consists of certain information on the article which will be then published in the SCIP database to make it available to waste operators and consumers.    database to make it available to

    This transparency on hazardous substances helps consumers make informed purchasing decisions and provides information on how to best use and dispose of a certain product.

    SCIP database also encourages and boosts the substitution of hazardous substances for safer alternatives.

    Chementors provides SCIP notification service. We handle the process from scratch which includes assessment of which components (i.e., articles) of the product fall into the scope of SCIP.  

    “Article” and “SVHC” in SCIP reporting

    What is an “article” and “SVHC” in the realm of SCIP? Comprehending this definition would help enterprises determine which products are subject to the SCIP notification.  

    According to Article 3(3) of the REACH regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, an article means an object which during production is given a special shape, surface, or design which determines its function to a greater degree than its chemical composition. Hence, Electronics, automotive, aerospace, furniture, clothes, toys, and all consumer products (simple and complex articles) that have components containing SVHC are subject to the SCIP notification.

    Most components of a bike, such as handlebars, brakes, tyres, and saddle, are articles under EU REACH regulation.

    Meanwhile, substances of very high concern are chemicals that: 

    • Meet the criteria to be classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic, or toxic for reproduction (CMR) category 1A or 1B following the CLP Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008. 
    • Are persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBT) or very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvB) according to Annex XIII of EU REACH regulation. 
    • On a case-by-case basis, cause an equivalent level of concern as CMR or PBT/vPvB substances. 

    Scope of SCIP notification obligation

    The obligation to submit a SCIP notification covers all articles placed on the EU market containing a substance of very high concern on the Candidate List in a concentration above 0.1 % w/w. 

    If an article produced, assembled, imported, or distributed in the EU market contains SVHCs in a concentration above 0.1% w/w, the supplier of such article must submit a SCIP notification to ECHA

    Who needs to do the SCIP notification?

    The following suppliers of articles are duty holders under the SCIP notification obligation:

    • EU producers and assemblers, 
    • EU importers, 
    • EU distributors of articles and other actors in the supply chain placing articles on the market. 
    • Retailers, supplying articles directly and exclusively to consumers are not covered by the duty to provide information to ECHA.


    Data requirements for the SCIP dossier submission

    Suppliers of articles need to submit the following information to ECHA:

    • Information that allows the identification of the article.
    • Name, concentration range, and location of the Candidate List substance(s) present in that article
    • Other information to allow the safe use of the article, notably information to ensure proper management of the article once it becomes waste


    SCIP is an English abbreviation meaning Substances of Concern In articles as such or in complex objects (Products).

    After successfully submitting a SCIP notification through the ECHA Submission Portal, suppliers of articles receive an alphanumeric identifier known as the SCIP number, which is included in the submission report.

    The SCIP number uniquely identifies the SCIP notification made by a submitter for an article or complex object.

    For submitting a SCIP notification, you will need to use a valid ECHA Account.

    The first step is gathering all required information and creating the SCIP dossier.

    After that comes the data submission in the ECHA Submission portal or an S2S submission.


    The SCIP database provides technical data for companies to ensure the safe use, improved reuse, and recycling of articles. In contrast, the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) is the system for controlling chemicals in the EU/EEA.

    REACH aims to improve the protection of human health and the environment from the risks posed by chemicals.

    The information to be provided to ECHA in a SCIP notification must include the following:

    • Details that allow the identification of the article.
    • Identification of the Candidate List substance in the article, including its concentration range and location, as appropriate.
    • Any additional information on the safe use of the article available to the supplier, particularly information necessary for proper management of the article once it becomes waste.

    A third party may submit data to the SCIP database on behalf of a duty holder. However, duty holders retain responsibility for the notifications submitted to the SCIP database.

    ECHA will publish the information, as received, on its website. However, The SCIP Database does not disclose the link between the SCIP notification and its submitter. ECHA will also ensure the protection of confidential business information where justified.

    With Chementors, you can rest assured that you are always complying with the highest standards and best chemical safety practices.

    Customer inquiries

    Phone +358 44 974 0601
    Address: Chementors Oy, Smart Chemistry Park, Raisionkaari 55, FI-21200, Raisio, Finland
    Finnish | English | French