We translate fully compliant safety data sheets (SDS) for your target market.
We work with more than 60 countries and deliver precise SDS translations based on your original document.
Chementors has prepared more than 10,000 safety data sheets and more than 2,500 translations, in 40 languages of over 60 countries.
Rebecca Karjalainen
Customer inquiries
Phone +358 44 974 0601
Finnish | English | French
Chementors provides SDS translations in over 40 languages according to the legislation of over 60 countries. We make sure the safety data sheet meets the compliance requirements of your target country.
Chementors provides Safety Data Sheet (SDS) translations according to the legal requirements of these countries:
Argentina | Greece | Poland |
Australia | Guatemala | Portugal |
Austria | Honduras | Puerto Rico |
Bangladesh | Hungary | Romania |
Belgium | India | Russia |
Brazil | Indonesia | Serbia |
Bulgaria | Ireland | Singapore |
Canada | Italy | Slovakia |
Chile | Japan | Slovenia |
China | Latvia | Spain |
Colombia | Lithuania | South Africa |
Cyprus | Luxembourg | South Korea |
Costa Rica | Malaysia | Sweden |
Croatia | Malta | Switzerland |
Czech Republic | Mexico | Thailand |
Denmark | Morocco | The Netherlands |
Dominican Republic | New Zealand | The Ukraine |
Ecuador | Nicaragua | Turkey |
El Salvador | Norway | United Kingdom |
Estonia | Pakistan | Uruguay |
Finland | Panama | USA (United States of America) |
France | Paraguay | Vietnam |
Germany | Peru |
We offer SDS translation service for more than 60 countries. Depending on the country and region, SDSs have different requirements and standards. Translations can for example be documents in accordance with European CLP or UN GHS, which take into account the local legislation and the official language(s) of the country of destination.
EU-CLP: According to the REACH Regulation (1907/2006) the safety data sheet shall be supplied in the official language of the EU country where the substance or mixture is placed on the market.
It should be noted that certain EU countries require that the SDS should be provided in more than one official language. Also, workplace exposure limit values, Occupational Exposure Limits, and emergency telephone numbers vary between the EU countries.
GB-CLP: the EU CLP and REACH Regulation have been replaced by the GB CLP and UK REACH in Great Britain in 2021. Additionally, The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has replaced the European Chemicals Agency’s role as the authority.
The classification of chemicals placed on the market in Northern Ireland is regulated by a European regulation known as EU CLP as well as EU REACH continues to apply in Northern Ireland.It should be noted that certain EU countries require that the SDS should be provided in more than one official language. Also, workplace exposure limit values, Occupational Exposure Limits, and emergency telephone numbers vary between the EU countries.
The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) is Canada’s national hazard communication standard. It is a system for providing health and safety information on hazardous products intended for use, handling, or storage in Canada. Canada has harmonised WHMIS with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). Chemical suppliers must use and follow the WHMIS 2015 requirements for safety data sheets (SDSs) for hazardous products sold, distributed, or imported into Canada.
Countries in Asia and the Pacific have their own regulations.
In the USA, safety data sheets are regulated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). SDSs must comply with OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR1910.1200. In addition, e.g. The NFPA diamond should be visible in the safety data sheets. The NFPA classification system is a standard system developed in the United States that demonstrates the health, flammability, reactivity, and special hazards of many hazardous chemicals using NFPA 704 Diamond.
The SDS Translation service produces safety data sheets for several industry areas for example following products:
Safety data sheets are an important part of the safety work required to protect yourself and your employees when working with chemical products. That’s why it’s important for the safety data sheet to be more than just a translation. Our experts ensure your documents meet both local and global regulations.
Your safety data sheets are translated based on the original safety data sheet. Trust us for accurate language and industry-appropriate terms in SDS translations.
Chementors Oy provides an all-inclusive solution for the translation of safety data sheets. Our SDS translation service offers safety data sheets in full compliance with regulatory requirements and standards in the target countries.
The SDS is not only translated but also authored according to the local legislation using the official language.
The price depends on the number of translations and the country that the translations are made for.
Our standard delivery time is 5-10 working days. With the Express delivery service, you will receive the safety data sheet the next working day.
Customer inquiries
Phone +358 44 974 0601
Address: Chementors Oy, Smart Chemistry Park, Raisionkaari 55, FI-21200, Raisio, Finland
Email: rebecca.karjalainen@chementors.fi
Finnish | English | French
Chementors Ltd | Finland | Hong Kong | Vietnam | info@chementors.fi