The registration requirements for the REACH Regulation changed in January 2022


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Tukes informs that the information requirements under REACH Regulation have changed starting from 8.1.2022. The amending Regulation (EC Regulation 2021/979) changed Annexes VII-XI of the REACH Regulation (EC 1907/2006), clarifying some of the information requirements and the responsibilities and roles of ECHA and operators.

In addition, the general rules of the standard testing program in Annex XI and the possible non-testing have been clarified. The amended provisions may require operators to update the registration dossier.

Registration under REACH (EC Regulation 1907/2006) provides information on the properties of the substance. The minimum information to be provided to fulfill the registration obligation is called the standard information requirements. Annexes VII to X contain standard information requirements for substances manufactured or imported in quantities of 1 to 1 000 tonnes or more per year. Annex XI sets out the general criteria for the adaptation of the standard information requirements.

Please contact us if you need help with REACH matters or the aforementioned new changes. Chementors offers a wide range of REACH services tailored to your needs!

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