The impact of CLP regulation update on trade and industry


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The CLP Regulation (“Classification, Labeling and Packaging”) is based on Regulation No 1272/2008 of the European Union on chemicals, concerning the classification, labelling and packaging of chemicals. The EU Regulations are updated frequently, resulting in costly changes in safety data sheets and labelling maintenance. Poorly timed large label batch orders just prior to a significant update, might cause substantial economic losses.

The eighth technical adaptation (EU) 2016/918 of the CLP Regulation entered into force on 01.02.2018 and includes changes to the classification criteria and the hazard and safety precautions. Therefore, it is important for chemical classifiers to update their data and act according to these changes.

Safety data sheets and product labels in accordance with the CLP Regulation are a significant part of the company’s image and brand. Chementors Ltd. compiles branded high-quality safety data sheets, which serves your company as “business cards”. In addition, when the content of the product label is in compliance with the regulation and matching the safety data sheet, it will have a great impact on your company’s image.

The CLP Regulation was substantially modified also in March 2017, as the Annex VIII (EU) 2017/542 was added. The purpose implementing this annex is to harmonize the information provided to the national poison control centres operating in the EU, to avoid previously appeared problems with identifying mixtures, which caused confusion in patient care. Annex VIII increases the amount of required information, compared to national chemical notifications. The new notification shall also include information on the non-hazardous ingredients, if their content is at least 1%. In addition, the new notification must indicate the type and size of the packaging. European Chemicals Agency is under process of preparing a specific information portal to submit the new notifications. It should be operational by Q1/2019. More information of the portal and its phases can be found here.

The Annex obliges to include the Unique Formula Identifier (UFI) either on the package, or in industrial use, on the Safety Data Sheet. UFI is an ID which enables reliable recognition of the mixture. You can create the UFI code on-line on the website of the European Chemicals Agency:

Please note that the obligations of the Annex VIII will be implemented in three phases. The obligations of Annex VIII will apply to retail products from 01.01.2020, the obligations take effect on the products for professional uses from 01.01.2021 and the obligations become effective on the products for industrial uses from 01.01.2024. However, should the marketer of the product make the national chemical notification by the deadline,  they can benefit of the transition period until 01.01.2025. This requires that the product has not been modified during the transition period.

Chementors Ltd. considers the future changes with their clients already now.

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