Authorities to Check Poison Centre Notifications (PCN)

PCN inspections safeguard human health ECHA’s Enforcement Forum is launching a project to ensure suppliers have properly notified hazardous chemical mixtures to poison centres. These notifications are critical for effective emergency responses. The aim of the inspections is to safeguard human health by ensuring chemical suppliers report hazardous mixtures to national authorities. These authorities then […]

EU Poison Centre Notifications (PCN) for non-EU companies

Voluntary submission is a regulated option for non-EU companies and non-duty holders or mixtures outside the scope of Article 45 of CLP Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008. Chementors can assist non-EU companies with preparing and submitting the PCN voluntary dossier in compliance with the Regulation. After the voluntary submission, every European importer must also make the […]

Poison Centre Notifications Guidance Update

ECHA has published an update to the Guidance on Poison Centre Notifications. The guide is an orientation document on the European harmonised information relating to emergency health response – Annex VIII to CLP, that aims to help users subject to regulation to comply with their obligations. Since its first version in February 2019, the document […]

Poison Centre Notifications are here

Since 1 January 2021, importers and downstream users are obligated to notify their mixtures in a harmonised format and unique formula identifiers (UFIs) must be included on mixture labels. This is an important change for companies placing hazardous mixtures on the market. Most EU countries are now accepting notifications through the ECHA Submission portal. ECHA’s […]

What is the UFI code?

Mikä on UFI-tunniste | Chemical Safety Consulting

UFI is an acronym for Unique Formula Identifier. The UFI will primarily be used by poison centres in the event of an emergency call. For example, the UFI can be read directly from the label of a product to a poison centre operator in addition to the trade name to precisely identify the product involved […]

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