What is the UFI code?


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UFI is an acronym for Unique Formula Identifier. The UFI will primarily be used by poison centres in the event of an emergency call. For example, the UFI can be read directly from the label of a product to a poison centre operator in addition to the trade name to precisely identify the product involved in an incident.

The UFI code must either be printed or affixed to the label of all products containing hazardous mixtures. If the products are not labeled (this is the case with certain industrial products), the UFI identifier can be also found in the safety data sheet.

Importers and downstream users who place hazardous mixtures on the market must provide the poison centers with specific product information of the mixtures, including the UFI. You can find the UFI Generator and the user guide on ECHA’s Poison Centres website in 23 EU languages.

For mixtures not yet on the market, your obligations to submit harmonised information and place the UFI on the label will apply from:

  • 1 Jan 2021 (consumer use)
  • 1 Jan 2021 (professional use)
  • 1 Jan 2024 (industrial use)

If you have existing mixtures already on the market, you may benefit from a transitional period which ends 1 Jan 2025. This means that after this date, all mixtures classified for health or physical effects will be required to bear the UFI on the label.

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