Legal Consulting On Chemicals for Vietnam market

Chementors SEA Co., Ltd with local partners in Vietnam have many years of experience in the field of preparing documents related to chemicals. We also offer training on occupational safety and hygiene and on transportation of dangerous goods, for domestic units and foreign organizations in the territory of Vietnam.We comprehensively handle legal consulting on chemicals
  • Law on chemicals No. 06.2007/QH12
  • Decree No. 113/2017/ND-CP
  • Circular No. 32/2017/TT-BCT

Check out our free Helpdesk for Vietnam and EU chemical regulations.

Mi Nguyen

REACH & Vietnam chemical regulation Specialist
Phone +84 39 6169 628
English | Vietnamese

    Legal consulting services on chemicals for entering Vietnam market include:

    Consulting on compliance with the laws on chemical safety

    National Chemical Inventory (NCI) notification

    License to export and import industrial precursors

    License for production and trading of restricted chemicals

    Certificate of eligibility for conditional chemical production and trading

    Chemical incident prevention and response plan

    Measures to prevent and respond to chemical incidents

    License to transport chemicals

    Mentoring for success!

    One-Stop Service

    Our goal is to enable you to focus on your own profitable business, leaving all regulatory issues to us, on a turnkey basis.


    Our specialist team in Vietnam is highly qualified and experienced in the different fields of chemical regulations.

    Reliable and Practical

    Our extensive in-house experience of the chemical industry enables us to provide the expert services that the industry needs.

    Chementors’ ultimate mission is to enable you to focus on the export of your products to Vietnam market by leaving all regulatory issues to us, on a turnkey basis. As the regulatory compliance aspect is ensured, you will achieve a competitive edge being successful in the Vietnam market.