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Chementors’ Team Day in August 2024


Table of Contents

Client’s benefit as the central theme

Chementors organized a team day last August, held in sunny Tampere, Finland. The day’s agenda centered around diverse team building and ensuring all our operations benefit our clients.

The Chementors team enjoyed visiting traditional locations in Tampere whilst developing our core values, working methods, and goals.

The team day started with a breakfast meeting in a private cabinet of café Amurin Helmi in Tampere’s Amuri Museum of Historic Housing

The team day started with a breakfast meeting in a private cabinet of café Amurin Helmi in Tampere’s Amuri Museum of Historic Housing


A diverse team leads to diverse solutions

Having most of the internationally located team finally together in person, our staff had the perfect opportunity to discuss the importance of diversity in the workplace. The discussion revolved around our varied professional and personal backgrounds and how this should also apply to possible new team members, to maintain Chementors’ distinct working environment and diverse spectrum of service solutions.

Inclusiveness and diversity are important to Chementors in creating equal opportunities for people with diverse backgrounds. They are also the key ingredients to reach the best solutions for socially and professionally varied clientele who face different regulatory challenges.

Expanding skillsets by sharing knowledge

We also highly value support within the team at Chementors we. Bringing together different expertise and sharing them over projects that require unique perspectives was also discussed during the Chementors team day.

Sharing knowledge is something we already do at Chementors: Many of our experts have expanded their know-how by learning from their colleagues, and as a result, have implemented new skills to add to their own professional areas of expertise.

This internal cooperation brings the best solutions for our clients. Maintaining and further developing this practice was an important part of the day’s agenda. When we learn to cooperate internally in the best possible way, it will reflect on our cooperation with our valuable clients.

The client is present in every decision made

The topics of our team day aim for better service, which ultimately benefits our clients. Being conscious of this goal steers our work in the right direction.

By ensuring the benefits of our clients we also contribute to a safer world of chemical and product regulatory compliance.

To help achieve this mindset we imagined “a client” being present with us during our team day, making sure our clients get benefits from our every decision. This helpful method can surely also be implemented in any of our team’s future meetings and discussions.

Meeting the team

As we mostly work separately and spread out between different locations, one of the highlights of Chementors’ team day was getting together to catch up and enjoy a nice summer day in Tampere’s charming town setting. Even though we cooperate and keep in touch throughout the work week, it’s always nice to have the rare chance to meet face-to-face.

Hopefully, in the future we’ll also have more chances to meet our clients.

The Chementors team wishes everyone great teamwork and a successful Autumn!

The Chementors Team posing during a previous meeting in 2022.

Chementors’ team of specialists helps companies to survive in the ever changing jungle of laws concerning chemical, environmental and product safety in Europe and all around the World.

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