Overview and updates of chemical management regulations in Vietnam


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Chementors joined the Seminar on “Overview and updates of chemical management regulations in Vietnam”

Chementors attended the Seminar on “Overview and updates of chemical management regulations in Vietnam” organized by Global Product Compliance and E&H Consulting on June 30, 2022.

The seminar went through 05 main topics:

  • Chemical management regulations in Vietnam
  • Key issues regarding Decree 113/2017/ND-CP and its changes and timeline
  • New regulations on chemical substances subject to POPs convention
  • Updates on Vietnam national chemical inventory (NCI)
  • Future development of chemical compliance in Vietnam

Decree 113/2017/ND-CP is under amendment. There will be revisions in the lists of restricted chemicals (following the Stockholm Convention), prohibited chemicals (following the Chemical Weapon Convention), and chemicals requiring special control at importation.

The exemption types of chemical products, which do not fall into the scope of Decree 113, will be listed down.

This revision will also address the expiration terms of licenses for production and trading of restricted industrial chemicals.

Being one of the three main chemical regulations in Vietnam, the amendment in Decree 113 is expected to have significant impacts on chemical regulatory activities.

In recent years, Vietnam government has paid special attention to persistent organic pollutant (POP) substances. Chementors Ltd had a chance to participate in UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) projects in Green Chemistry for 3 years, acting as a leading international chemical consultant in Vietnam.

The projects focused on the reduction in the use and release of POPs and harmful chemicals by introducing Green Chemistry concepts in key industrial sectors.  And now, one of the results of the project could be seen.

New regulations on POP are under development to regulate the import, manufacturing, trading, and usage activities of POP on its own, in mixtures or in articles in the Vietnam market. Draft of National Technical Standard (QCVN) for permissible concentration of POPs in raw materials, fuels, products, and equipment is under development in which specific values of the concentration limit would be assigned to each specific POP substance. Certain POPs will be also added to the list of restricted chemicals which are then subject to specific requirements under the Decree 113/2017/ND-CP.

New Regulations POP Substances

joined UNDP projects in reducing the use and release of POPs in Vietnam through the introduction of Green Chemistry, in the role of an international consultant

From 2016 to 2021, Vietnam National Chemical Inventory (NCI) system was opened 5 times for nominations of chemicals into the database.

Till June 2022, approximately 12,400 substances have been approved in NCI database. The Vietnam government is now working on the draft of Decree on management of new chemicals, which are not yet listed in NCI.

In the future, the new chemical substances (*) and foreign chemical substances (**) would be subject to a stepwise registration process including application, examination, and approval in order to be listed in the NCI database before entering Vietnam market.

Exemption cases, which are not covered by the NCI registration, will be addressed in the new Decree on NCI registration.

To enter
Vietnam market,
new chemical substances and foreign chemical substances shall undergo a registration process

Chementors and the local team are here to assist enterprises on updating relevant regulatory amendments and complying with those changes.

*) a substance which has not yet listed in the NCI or in foreign chemical inventories recognized by Vietnamese competent authorities.

**) a substance which has not yet listed in the NCI but already listed in foreign chemical inventories recognized by Vietnamese competent authorities.

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