Chementors expanding into Southeast Asia


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Chementors has begun its expansion into countries in Southeast Asia. The growing export of chemicals from the area to Europe is leading to an increased need for Chementors’s services, in particular the only representative service and REACH registrations. Exports of clothes, toys, jewellery and other products to Europe are also growing, leading to demand for information on and operators in fields such as identification of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC).

In collaboration with its partners, Chementors is organising a number of information events towards the end of the year about the stricter European regulations, as well as participating in a range of chemical industry fairs around Southeast Asia. The objective of these activities is to work alongside the authorities to provide comprehensive information about the EU’s REACH chemicals regulation and business opportunities for companies in the region. Chementors also aims to establish a unit in each country, taking into account local knowledge and languages.

Chementors was established for companies and people who care about environmental and human safety, and operates on the one-stop shop principle, providing information and taking care of all procedures necessary for ensuring chemical safety, a service that is particularly valued in Southeast Asia.

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