35% of inspected Safety Data Sheets are non-compliant

ECHA inspected 2500 safety data sheets A recent EU-wide initiative by ECHA’s Enforcement Forum revealed that 35% of inspected safety data sheets (SDS) failed to meet compliance standards. While compliance rates have improved compared to earlier checks, further efforts are needed to ensure high-quality information that protects workers, professional users, and the environment from the […]

HAZARD PICTOGRAMS: what it is According to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) developed by the United Nations, a hazard pictogram is a graphical composition that includes a symbol and other graphic elements such as a border, background patterns, and colors. GHS hazard pictograms have a diamond shape (a square […]
EU applied new hazard classes 2023: check if the SDSs of your products are affected

Since 20 April 2023, EU has applied new hazard classes, new hazard statements, and new criteria for the classification, labelling, and packaging of substances and mixtures. This new rule came into force officially via Delegated Regulation 2023/707 amending CLP Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008. Many chemical substances and mixtures placed on the EU market under REACH […]
How to know if your current Safety Data Sheet is compliant?

Providing a compliant Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is a legal obligation. The core purpose of that obligation is to protect the health and safety of humans and the environment. The SDS contains essential information about the danger of the substance to both people and the environment. In addition to that, the document comprehensively explains how […]
Important! ECHA started inspecting EU safety data sheets for compliance

National enforcement authorities have started inspecting the compliance of safety data sheets for chemicals sold on the EU market. Checking safety data sheets was agreed by ECHA’s Enforcement Forum as this year’s harmonised enforcement project (REF-11). The main objective is to assess whether duty holders have updated and provided safety data sheets according to the […]
EU Safety Data Sheet (SDS) requirements and format

What is a safety data sheet? A safety data sheet (SDS) is a document that contains comprehensive information about a substance or a mixture as an instruction for the safe use of chemicals during handling, storage, transporting, and disposal. An SDS shall provide information on the intrinsic properties of the substance or mixture; the physical, […]
What is GHS?

GHS The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) is a standard developed by the United Nations (UN) to globally standardize and harmonize the classification and labeling of chemicals. This system was developed on the grounds that there were significant differences and inconsistencies in classifying and labeling chemical products among countries and […]
The impact of CLP regulation update on trade and industry

The CLP Regulation (“Classification, Labeling and Packaging”) is based on Regulation No 1272/2008 of the European Union on chemicals, concerning the classification, labelling and packaging of chemicals. The EU Regulations are updated frequently, resulting in costly changes in safety data sheets and labelling maintenance. Poorly timed large label batch orders just prior to a significant […]