Case Study: Çığır Kimya

Cooperating since




Çığır Kimya and the SILVER brand

The Turkish company Çığır Kimya was founded in 1992 to develop and produce shoe polish and leather care products under the brand name SILVER. Çığır Kimya operates in 65 countries increasing its presence in all the continents of the world.

Thanks to Çığır Kimya’s extensive know-how, the company is among the top 500 export companies in Turkey.

As a Turkish company, Çığır Kimya will continue to develop projects to fulfill its social and environmental responsibilities in the country and at the global level. 

Çığır Kimya makes a point of protecting the environment at every stage from production input to the use of the products with a sustainable development approach and environmental awareness.


Compiling and submitting Poison Centre Notifications (PCN)

Chementors and Çığır Kimya have been in cooperation since early 2021 with Chementors handling the Poison Centre Notifications (PCN) of Çığır Kimya’s products for several European countries.

The CLP Regulation (article 45 and Annex VIII) obligates companies to provide all the countries in which they place such mixtures on the market with information on the mixture’s product category, complete chemical composition, toxicological information and UFI code, among other things.

Outsourcing as a solution

Compiling and submitting Poison Centre Notifications (PCN) is a complicated task requiring time and resources.

By outsourcing the notification process to Chementors, Çığır Kimya saves substantial amounts of work and money while protecting their product formulations.

To ensure that Çığır Kimya operates legally and responsibly in all of their market sectors the company lets Chementors handle their products’ Poison Centre Notifications and create all unique identifier codes (UFIs).

All EU Importers can now submit their individual notifications in their EU country using created UFI without compromising the classified product information of Çığır Kimya.

Both companies look forward to working in cooperation in the future also, as Çığır Kimya’s products and markets continue to expand.

Chementors’ team of specialists helps companies to survive in the ever changing jungle of laws concerning chemical, environmental and product safety in Europe and all around the World.