35% of inspected Safety Data Sheets are non-compliant


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ECHA inspected 2500 safety data sheets

A recent EU-wide initiative by ECHA’s Enforcement Forum revealed that 35% of inspected safety data sheets (SDS) failed to meet compliance standards. While compliance rates have improved compared to earlier checks, further efforts are needed to ensure high-quality information that protects workers, professional users, and the environment from the risks of hazardous chemicals.

Inspectors from 28 EU-EEA countries reviewed over 2,500 SDSs to assess their compliance with the legislation that was updated in 2023. The main objectives were to evaluate whether the safety data sheets were complete, up-to-date and included all required information, especially the new requirements introduced in 2023. The second objective was to evaluate the information’s quality, consistency, and legal compliance.

The inspection found that the overall compliance has improved, but there’s still room for improvement

The findings showed that 35% of the SDSs were not up to legal standards, because they lacked the necessary content or weren’t provided at all when required.

Despite these shortcomings, the study found that suppliers provided safety data sheets within the supply chain in 96% of the cases. Moreover, most of the inspected SDS had been updated to the new format.

The most common issues and sanctions

Two significant challenges with the new 2023 requirements were found to be information on nanoforms and endocrine-disrupting properties, which were missing in 67% and 48% of the checked SDSs. Additionally, 16% of the safety data sheets did not include details required by authorization decisions.

Inspectors also identified data quality issues in 27% of the checked safety data sheets. Common errors included inaccuracies in hazard identification, composition details, and exposure control measures. Also, 18% of the inspected safety data sheets lacked mandatory exposure scenarios.

In the cases of non-compliant SDSs found during the check, inspectors would mainly issue written advice but also apply measures such as administrative orders, fines, and, in some instances, even criminal complaints

Read more about the inspection on ECHA’s website.


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Chementors ensures SDS compliance

Safety data sheets are essential information documents that outline the potential hazards a substance may pose to human health and the environment. They also provide detailed guidance on responding to emergencies such as spills or fires and offer instructions on the safe handling, storage, and transportation of chemicals.

To ensure safety and compliance, safety data sheets must be prepared in accordance with applicable regulations and kept up to date throughout the product’s lifecycle.

Chementors offers a full range of safety data sheet services to ensure your SDSs comply with all the required legislations in all your market locations.

Our services include:

Contact us to to handle all your SDS needs!

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