ECHA to soon inspect Only Representative duty holders

ECHA’s inspection plan on OR duties Announced on its official page in June 2024, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) Enforcement Forum will soon launch a pilot enforcement project focusing solely on Only Representatives (OR) who have done the REACH registration on behalf of the non-EU suppliers. The authorities will carefully check the following points: if […]
Finnish Customs Reject 11% of Imported Jewelry

Customs Authorities Reject 11% of Commercially Imported Fashion Jewelry Due to Hazardous Materials In 2023, Finnish Customs rejected 11% of commercially imported fashion jewelry made out of non-precious metals due to excessive levels of cancer-causing cadmium, toxic lead, and allergenic nickel found in pieces made from non-precious metals. Similar issues with jewelry imported from outside […]
The registration requirements for the REACH Regulation changed in January 2022

Tukes informs that the information requirements under REACH Regulation have changed starting from 8.1.2022. The amending Regulation (EC Regulation 2021/979) changed Annexes VII-XI of the REACH Regulation (EC 1907/2006), clarifying some of the information requirements and the responsibilities and roles of ECHA and operators. In addition, the general rules of the standard testing program in […]
Upcoming changes to REACH information requirements

The European Commission has revised certain information requirements for registering chemicals under REACH. The changes will start to apply in early 2022 and companies need to start preparing. ECHA will publish more advice in late 2021. The update of the REACH annexes clarifies the information companies need to submit in their registrations and makes ECHA’s […]