A huge failure rate to notify customers on Substances of Very High Concern

Companies have a lot to improve on reporting harmful substances in their products The ECHA Enforcement Forum pilot project revealed shortcomings in the notification of SVHCs in their products. Good news about the pilot project is the fact that only 12% of the products examined contained SVHCs. In contrast, 88% of companies whose products were […]
ECHA proposes 18 substances for authorisation

18 substances of very high concern (SVHCs) are recommended to be added to the REACH Authorisation List Helsinki, 1 October 2019 – ECHA’s ninth recommendation to the European Commission to prioritise substances of very high concern for authorisation includes 18 substances. Thirteen of these substances are toxic for reproduction, of which one has also endocrine disrupting properties. The […]
Changes to substances permitted in cosmetic products

With the new EU regulation, more than 200 substances or groups of substances were banned in cosmetic products. Cosmetics marketed in the EU and EEA countries must not contain these prohibited substances or must comply with restrictions on their use. Prohibited substances are carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction (CMR). On 22 May 2019, the […]
ECHA added six new substances to SVHC Candidate List

Helsinki, January 15, 2019 The Candidate List of substances of very high concern (SVHCs) for authorisation now contains 197 substances. ECHA has added five new substances to the Candidate List due to the carcinogenic, toxic to reproduction, persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) and very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvB) properties of the substances. One further […]
Chementors met the Minister of Economic Affairs of Finland in Vietnam

Chementors Ltd had an honor to attend “We Love Finland” event in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam on Thursday October 18th. The center of the event organized by Business Finland was the Minister of Economic Affairs of Finland Mika Lintilä with his delegation. In addition to Minister delegation, Business Finland had invited Finnish companies operating […]
Chementors held a seminar in Hanoi in association with Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The impact of CLP regulation update on trade and industry

The CLP Regulation (“Classification, Labeling and Packaging”) is based on Regulation No 1272/2008 of the European Union on chemicals, concerning the classification, labelling and packaging of chemicals. The EU Regulations are updated frequently, resulting in costly changes in safety data sheets and labelling maintenance. Poorly timed large label batch orders just prior to a significant […]
Ten new substances added to EU REACH candidate list

We have REACHed the deadline!

The final legal deadline to REACH register all phase-in substances manufactured or imported above one tonne per year was May 31st. If the registration obligation applies and companies did not submit a dossier by the last day of May, as of 1 June they can no longer manufacture or import the substance legally in the […]
SmartCHEM Summit 2018

Welcome to the SmartCHEM Summit 2018! Turku Science Park Ltd. arranges SmartCHEM Summit 2018 which presents the latest innovations in bio-based production and solutions for creating new business from side-streams. The event gathers industry, growth companies, experts and academics from Finland and Europe on May 22nd 2018 to the brand new Visitor and Innovation Centre […]